Despite the fact that the general ICO of the new cryptocurrency Gram from the popular Telegram messenger has not started yet, Pavel Durov is rolling in money. Not so long ago, everyone was agitated by the announcement that at the private ICO stage (pre-ICO) investors had invested $850 million in a new project. However, as it has turned out, Telegram is not in a hurry with the ICO launch. According to the published form D, filed by Pavel Durov with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Telegram has attracted another $850 million of investment.
Note that it is a question of new funds, which means that the company has already exceeded the initial target of $1.2 billion and has raised $1.7 billion.
The accumulated funds will be spent for the development of the new Telegram Open Network (TON) platform, which will be integrated into the Telegram messenger and, possibly, other messengers.
Today, the sale of tokens of the future crypto currency is based on the principle of a simple agreement for future tokens (SAFT). The number of investors, as well as the information that identifies them, is not available at the moment. However, it is known that only individuals willing to invest in the project at least $1 million were admitted to the private ICO. However, the public information is very controversial, since at the start of the pre-ICO it was a question of a minimum contribution of 20 and even 50 million USD.
The success of a private ICO can induce Telegram to further sell tokens in a closed circle of investors. According to information published by Coindesk, Pavel Durov changes his plans and wants to sell tokens worth $2.5 billion.
It is important to understand that 90% of ICOs have signs of scam. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with our material on how not to become a victim of scammers and successfully invest in “white” ICOs.