Dan Held is a bitcoin businessman who has been part of the Kraken exchange for a long time. He maintains an educational blog on Twitter and YouTube. The man has been holding BTC for about 10 years and makes very optimistic forecasts. We did a deep analysis of open sources so that you can learn more about his net worth and crypto portfolio. Some facts may surprise you.
Dan Held Income
Newcomers to the crypto market know Dan as a popular blogger who knows how to talk about bitcoin and blockchain in simple words. However, this did not make him rich. He first started working with cryptocurrencies in 2013. Held was a co-founder of ZeroBlock, headed one of the departments on the platform for buying, trading, sending cryptocurrency Blockchain.com. Very important in his career was the position of marketing director of the Kraken exchange. This is an old exchange from the list of top trading platforms. It is grateful to Dan Held for its success and popularity. Now Kraken remains in the lead, but undeniably loses the competition to Binance. It is possible that if Dan was still marketing the exchange, the situation would have been different.
All this time, Dan received an enviable salary. Sometimes his income reached 1 million dollars a year. He invested most of this money in bitcoin. On each pampas, he becomes incredibly rich. On dumps, he loses up to 50% of his capital, but he definitely does not lose enthusiasm.
Dan Held net worth first exceeded $1 million in 2014 when his work with crypto companies began to bear fruit. After that, he never left the list of millionaires.
Now Dan does not earn as much as before. This does not mean at all that his career went downhill. He has already managed to raise a lot of capital and is focusing on educational work and marketing consulting. This brings him several hundred thousand dollars a year. Do you think it’s too little? Do not forget that the main value of his capital is a multi-million dollar investment in cryptocurrency.
Dan Held Net Worth 2023
The exact net worth of Dan Held is controversial. He, like most veterans of the crypto market, avoids hype and does not boast of wealth. Dan has a lot more than what he shows to the public. We believe that his net worth reaches $100 million. However, it is necessary to evaluate its capital at the moment, taking into account the current value of BTC.
Crypto Portfolio

There is something interesting and unusual about Dan’s views on cryptocurrencies. He is an ardent opponent of altcoins. He doesn’t mind their existence, but doesn’t even think about investing in them. 90% of his capital is stored in BTC. Even ETH, as the second cryptocurrency, does not attract him.
Dan is confident that bitcoin has not reached its peak price. The investor is not embarrassed by volatility. He will stop being a millionaire only if digital gold costs less than $1,000. However, given the experience of Held, he will be able to lock in profits from multi-year investments in time.