Long-Awaited Telegram Open Network (TON) – Test Version is Live!

Long-Awaited Telegram Open Network (TON) – Test Version is Live!

The access to the test version of TON network has been opened. It includes only those files which are fundamental and are required for compilation.

Installation guidelines are as follows:

  • Download the archive which is available here (https://test.ton.org/download) and unarchive it. Keep in mind that it is gradually updated so it is recommended to regularly check for latest version at the official website.
  • Find and install the newest versions of Make, CMake, OpenSSL, plus and g++ or clang
  • Perform several technical manipulations as indicated in clauses 3-6 of the Readme (this file is also available here: https://test.ton.org/download
  • After this, you will get a possibility to create smart contracts, evaluate the state of currently existing smart contracts, execute them, and so on. Detailed instructions on how to perform these and other actions can be found in HOWTO file (in the archive).

However, representatives of Telegram haven’t publicly approved or disapproved the authenticity of this page.

In April 2019, Telegram was partnered with Wirecard, a digital financial technology company.

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