Vitalik Buterin “Predicted” Financial Crisis to Happen Till 2021
Flickr / Duncan Rawlinson

Vitalik Buterin “Predicted” Financial Crisis to Happen Till 2021

The blockchain technology, the cryptocurrency in general and Ethereum in particular are constantly subject to merciless criticism. Self-proclaimed experts or experts from completely different industries do that with pleasure.

On October 10, 2018, Vitalik Buterin in his Twitter made the following loud statement:

Obviously, this is the answer to all critics of the blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies, who throw mud at them not supporting their statements with reasonable arguments. Buterin subtly hints that he has the same reason to speak confidently about the impending crisis as experts who predict us a “burst bubble”.

“Prediction” from the Ethereum creator has seriously outraged the economist Nouriel Roubini. He started a message war with Vitalik, complaining angrily that crypto is a scam.

This way the well-known economist revealed himself. It became clear to everyone that it was he who was trolled by Vitalik.

On October 12, 2018, Nouriel Roubini reported to the US Senate. In his report to the Senate he expressed discontent with the scam that had spread worldwide. He meant cryptocurrencies and “useless” blockchain. Interestingly, Nouriel Roubini is not an economist. He is an IT specialist. Nevertheless, he does “deep” analysis of complex technology and its future prospects. Will he be taken seriously in the future?